
I failed on all accounts...

Well.. my sister's computer is fried beyond the point where I can just whirl together some of my techno-magic and install a driver and fix the whole darned thing. Nope.. it's a hardware problem.. you know how I solve hardware problems? I buy a new computer. This isn't the most cost effective approach since the problem can probably be fixed by replacing the video card.. but heck.. this is the perfect opportunity to buy a mac. In other words.. I haven't been helpful. I *did* stay up until 12am last night working on it though.. that should count for something.

I also figured out why my sister hasn't caught her mouse. She has a rat trap. The little mouse dude could break-dance on the trap and not trip it.. and I think it does. My guess is that you could find a video clip on youtube that the mousies cousin louie uploaded of jerry doing a reverse olie. Of course.. we forgot our little version of her trap at home.. so we're not helping on that front either!

We are, however, having a very nice and relaxing weekend. Ben is having a blast playing with his cousin hero, Adam. We hit a bit of a bump in the road last night around 3am, when Ben woke up with the croup. Crapper! There's nothing quite like that barky cough. I remember it well.. I practically lived with the croup and strep throat for the first 14 years of my life.

Anyway.. Ben went right back to sleep, but he was whistling and barking when he'd breathe, so needless to say, I didn't get much sleep. I made up for it earlier today when I took a 3-hour nap with the little dude..

Ok.. so I just started reading Twilight. I'm excited about getting into some solid young adult bubblegum vampire fluff!


  1. Twilight! You too! I really should just suck it up and read it. The movie comes out.....soon! Happy reading!

  2. Okay, I need to talk Twilight with you when you're done!

  3. at least someone can keep me in the loop. and are you the older wiser sister or the younger wiser sister?


    Maybe a bear trap would have worked better.......

    some serious reconsideration going on. (zing)

