
High School Musical - Starring Ben and Maddie

OH MY GAWD! The kids are going to kill me for this at some point (probably around their junior prom when they stumble across it during a history class on the internet prior to the great fall of the US economy). I can't stop laughing...

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On that note.. Snick.. when are we going to have a High School Musical watching par-tay.. I need to squeeze in on your busy social calendar for an ice-cream night.. :)


  1. OMG, I am dying over here. That is too funny.

    Re: ice cream/HSM night, Mr. Coffee is away for nearly two weeks at the beginning of October, so pick a night and it's yours!

  2. jen you should really quit your day job! your a natural story teller. and ben will get you for that--only when he is older though . love
