
Ubbi Dubbi - and an ear tube update

Frubom nubow ubon, Ubi'll bube bluboggubing ubin Ububbubi Dububbubi. Ubif yubou nubeed hubelp, gubo tubo thube trubanslubatubor wubeb subite ubon pbskubids.uborg

Buben wubill bube guboubing ubin fubor suburguberuby ubon hubis ubears nubext Thubursdubay (15th) tubo gubet tububes ubin buboth ubears fubor thube subecubond tubime. Subince hubis lubast UBER vubisubit, hube hubas hubad twubo ubear ubinfubectiubons uband stubandubing flubuid ubin buboth ubears. Tubo mubake ubit ubevuben mubore ubinterubestubing, hubis ubeye rubollubing ubepubisubodes hubave stubartubed ubagubain ubas wubell. uburgh.

From now on, I'll be blogging in Ubbi Dubbi. If you need help, go to the translator web site on pbskids.org

Ben will be going in for surgery on his ears next Thursday (15th) to get tubes in both ears for the second time. Since his last ER visit, he has had two ear infections and standing fluid in both ears. To make it even more interesting, his eye rolling episodes have started again as well. urgh.

Ok.. I'll stop with the Ubbi Dubbi stuff.. but honest.. now that I found the translator.. I may write my letters at work with it...

Ben is doing just fine and I'll be happy when next Thursday gets here. He is a little ticking time bomb waiting for another double ear infection to blow up. His ENT is awesome thought and he was a big guy and sat on the exam chair (like an eye doctors chair) all by himself and let her look in his ears and nose and mouth. When she was listening to his chest, through his shirt.. he reached down and pulled his shirt up for her. The only down side is that she said that they may decide to put an IV in this time (they just did gas last time) since he has continued to have seizures (he had 2 before his last surgery.. has had 5 now).. they want to be sure to be able to get meds to him immediately if he seizes while under anesthesia. I don't blame them.. but it sure would be nice if they could give him some gas and then put in the IV. Poor little dude.


  1. Poor kiddo. I hope the tubes do the trick.

  2. poor ben and YOU. i remember when you were five and in the hospital with an allergic reaction to the croup (go figure-only you!) and you had air trapping in your lungs-- you could breath air into your lungs but then your airways would close and not release all the air. ya lips turning blue and everything!! drs put an IV on you to get meds into you as quickly as possible. i had to wait down the hall while they took you into a different room. it wasn't good.not at all.. but necessary..i'll be thinking and praying for all of you on the 15th!! love

  3. ubi thubink ubi hubave ubit!! lubol

  4. haha, i remember there was this huge thing when i was like in 5th grade and all of my friends and i would talk in ubbi dubbi labanguibige. i dobont nobo hobow toboo spebell thobow. omg i could say supercalifragilisticexpialadocious too lol
