My Favorite Bloggers

There are so many kinds of families... Here are some of my favorites!

Snick is one of our best friends whom we miss dearly since she and her wonderful twins moved home to Oregon.  We met Snick in April of 2007, just a week or so before she lost her husband, John, to pancreatic cancer. She is an inspiration in so many ways.. but mostly she's just an awesome friend.  I miss watching Idol with her in our PJs while eating ice cream.

Children are like Snowflakes
Yes... as one of my oldest friends.. I have to let you know that the name of T's blog is an incomplete sentence.  "Children are like Snowflakes.. little.. yellow.. different!" I've been friends with TJ since 1994.. god.. 15 years.  I have lots of embarassing photos of us when we were younger that I might add here at some point.  So many memories.. so little space to write..  I'll just leave it as "Jeeeeeeeeep!"

What a Card
I'm trying to remember when I met "S"..  it had to be like 6 years ago or so.  She's got a ton of blogs.. I guess she just has tons of time available given that she's got 5 year old twins and a newborn.  I'll post more of her blogs at some point.. but since most of them are about cooking with vegetables... it's not high on my priority list.  There's nothing I can think of that I don't love about this woman.  She's the biggest Sebastian Bach fan I've ever met and she enjoys entertaining her children by headbanging to 80's hair band music.  It doesn't get better than that.
Shiela and I met Sue and Sam at Snickollet's going away party.  Confused yet? It's a small world up here in the Boston area.  Sam was pregnant with Ella at the time and Shiela and I were giddy about having a babysitter for Benji.  All of the lesbian moms and moms to be (a surprising number of us considering Snick is straight) ended up having a blast.  We partied like it was 1999.  Shiela smacked me a few times when I started telling stories about how my pregnancy tanked and Ben arrived early (I just don't understand why that's not appropriate at parties.. with other pregnant women looking on with wide-eyed fear).  As it turns out.. Ella is a miracle baby.  She was also born prematurely.. way more prematurely than Ben was.  She is doing great and her moms are fantastic bloggers.  Plus.. she has a dog named Darwin.. how cool is that? 

Blogging Heros
Don't forget to come back to MY blog after visiting these folks! I miss you already... well. You know what I mean.
  • Coming Soon!
  • Sorry all.. with the new site and the time that has passed, I need to rebuild my blog list. If you were once on my list and want to be there again.. just leave a comment. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you're sweet! I have a number of blogs, and somehow still only manage to post a few times a month :) I've been cooking vegan food all week--I told TK that I'm making meat with a side of meat for dinner tonight :)
