
The Dinner Table

Last weekend we decided that it was time for Ben to join us at the dining room table for dinners. The high chair is huge and we don't have a routine of having dinner together.. we'll feed him.. then get something for ourselves after he goes to bed. We decided to order a pizza.

Here is a pic of Ben helping to set the table. We have his travel booster seat set up on one of the dining table chairs.

As tradition calls for.. we marked this occasion with a "self-portrait"

Dinner began in a very clean and civilized manner. Benjamin eating small pieces of cut up pizza from his plate.

At some point.. the boy got his hands on the remainder of his piece of pizza.. things became less controlled...

In the end.. it was a very enjoyable and relaxing dinner. Ben had pizza from ear to ear and chin to forehead and beyond.. but we took our time and he had a peas and carrots chaser. I wish I could say that we do this every night.. but even if we just manage it once a week at this point.. I'll be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is just too sweet! What an adorable little man :)

    And, I can tell from the pictures, he's already eaten more pizza than N-man and B-man have in their entire lives put together. I don't know what's wrong with my kids...I could live on pizza!
